Wednesday, February 17, 2010

London 2012: The Worst Olympics Ever!

It seems that some, probably The Daily mean, Mail, of course - are saying that the Vancouver 2010 Olympics are the "worst ever". They began saying this about 4 days after the Olympics started.

I've decided to begin a satirical campaign of one to call the London 2012 Olympics the worst Olympics ever. I don't need any facts or the fact that they haven't happened yet to get in the way. I can just SAY it. That's all the New Atheists, Faux News, the GOP, Dick Cheyney, Sarah Palin and assorted Christian Fundamentalists do and they get air time! "Religion is behind all evil events." "Obama is going to slaughter you." "We are against the stimulus." "Waterboarding acheived good results." "I resigned my governership for the good of the people of Alaska/the country." "The earth was created in 6 24 hour days." (All of those things in quotation marks are factually untrue, for those unsure of my meaning!)

Quick - INTERVIEW ME!! I can make things up, too! Did you know that the English Olympic Committee is the same committee that planned 9/11? The Founding Fathers revolted against the BRITISH, ya know, so this is why it's unAmerican to support the London Olympics? It doesn't have to be TRUE or anything to get air time. I can be completely made up history, like Dick Cheyney and that former Bush speechwriter have recently begun to do with some airhead on ABC.

It's hard to believe that anyone can think of something as the "best" or the "worst" when it's just started and not finished. You cannot evaluate any event or historical person "in the moment". Faux News began to relentlessly lie about President Obama as soon as he came on the public scene and then repeat the lies and now we have the so-called "liberal" media beginning to allow "birthers" to get away with fabricated nonsense. (They ignored the birther talk at the National Tea Party convention and pretty much ignored the racist/bigoted remarks made by Tancredo. The last I checked only 600 people showed up for this "national" convention. Why does the media give attention to these nut jobs anyway?)

So it doesn't matter if it's true - it only matters if you SAY it: The London 2012 Olympics are (not will be) the Worst Olympics Ever! Those Brits don't know what they're doing and they all have bad teeth! Let's have another Revolution against the Brits!


RenaSherwood said...

What do you have against atheists? Who knows -- your sister may be one ;-)

MRS said...

I specifically said the "New Atheists", which are bozos such as Richard Dawkins. He may be a brilliant scientist, but he knows next to nothing about theology and philosophy.

They are fundamentalists who are rehasing very weak, emotionally charged arguments. Basically, they are atheistic evangelists.

Their arguments are based in 19th century logical positivism, which isn't taken seriously by not only the theological, but the philosophical community as well.

The best refutation of the "New Athiest" arguments was written by G.K. Chesterton 100 years ago and is entitled Orthodoxy.