I'm addicted to watching CNN election coverage. It's gotta be the most entertaining TV at the moment. I love all the talk of polls and 'close call' -- it's hilarious!! I have a hard time believing that there could be any kind of 'close call' - this is the choice, America: More of the same, or the chance for something different. I voted already - for Obama, of course - and my reasoning has really not much to do with all the complicated platforms and rhetoric. It's simply the point of view that the Republicans had their guy in the White House. He blew it: BIG TIME! It's time to give the other guys a chance, no matter what the platforms are. Some people are talking the election like it's about the salvation of the country or something. Well, it's not. You - individual people - are what really matters. The president won't change who YOU are, so go do something about improving the country. Let the party not in power have a chance and go out and give a poor family a nice Christmas.
Some other random thoughts concerning the US election in no particular order:
Some other random thoughts concerning the US election in no particular order:
- The US looks 'bad' in the eyes of the world. John McCain's mere presence in the White House will do nothing but confirm to the world that the US is REALLY 'bad'. So think on that.
- The election of Barak Obama will potentially enact a profound change in the American psyche. Suddenly, people will realize that people from other races are actually, well, people. I can't really put my finger on it, but we can't afford to have another old white man in the White House at this time....
- Palin - Great punchline and she'll be nothing but a joke as VP. We will yearn for Quayle if she gets in.
- This whole 'test' idea: The new president will be tested, I would think, by some idiot fundamentalist somewhere on the planet. Biden was right. McCain - you've never been President, so you can't say you've been tested. You're on the same page as Obama in that regard.
- Abortion: I hate abortion. I'm not thrilled with most 'pro-choice' rhetoric, but I know Obama gave the most realistic answer on abortion ever during the conversation he had with Rick Warren. No, he wasn't 'decisive': it's called thinking carefully. If you want 'decisive': we had that for the past 8 years, ya know!! I want a President who listens and thinks carefully and weighs all the options. Abortion is an issue that will require a lot of tact and insight. John McCain's answer was decisive and textbook 'pro-life',i.e., he's gonna totally ignore the issue when he's in the White House.
- You know why Colin Powell supported Obama, besides that Obama is the only choice. Bush stabbed him in the back and pushed him out of the White House. I'd be shocked if Powell supported McCain. THAT would be news! And please notice other Republicans are supporting Obama. What does that tell you?
- Advice to Obama: Hilary Clinton for Secretary of State. Think about it - not that you haven't already!
Well, that's the end of my ramblings. I like rambling on the blog - keeps me sane since I have to be so organized in writing for graduate school. I bet you can tell that's quite a challenge for me!!
You get any pro-life wackos emailing you after mentioning abortion on your blog? Just curious. Perhaps it's just me.
rraven, YOU are basically the only comments I have ever received!
No "pro-life wackos" have ever e-mailed me or tried to comment here.
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