Monday, April 10, 2006


I was watching "Face the Nation" yesterday. They had two US senators on arguing about the latest immigration bill that either passed or didn't pass. There has been so much heated debate about illegal immigrants and the implications of allowing them to live and work in the US. It all comes down to money, though, whole businesses would shut down if they had to hire only legal immigrants - they couldn't afford all workers. It is a complicated issue, but I was sitting there realizing that it's not such an issue with Canadians, only Mexican or Latin Americans mostly. Why? Canada's lifestyle is so close to the US lifestyle - economically speaking.

These people are desparate to feed and care for their families - they'll do anything. The low pay they get seems like a fortune to them. It occured to me that the only real way to solve the problem is to improve living conditions in Latin America and Mexico. Hey! You think that's expensive - I find it hard to believe that the huge wall or fence that some are proposing would be at least as expensive, if not more. I wonder how much it would cost to make the majority of Mexicans lifestyles better. That way they won't be so desparate for jobs in the US. Lets create jobs in Mexico...put the billions of dollars we want to spend on keeping "them" out and improve their lives instead. $5 billion to improve the Mexican lifestyle will be a better idea than $5 billion on a fence!

Oh, wait...we don't want to interfere in their country's we haven't interfered in Iraq, Afganistan, etc......

That is something that I would love to hear debated by politicians of a country one day. How can we make the other countries better? Yup, that would be neat to see!!

1 comment:

RenaSherwood said...

You rock, Matt. Too bad there wasn't an anti-immagrant law back in 1492 or all of this never would've happened, eh?